
Last thursday is my company annual dinner^^
and the topic for this year is..''Temptation of Uniforms"
and for sure..there is really fun^^
i can see police..doctor..Cheff..Teacher..Pilot..Soldier..etc etc..
hahahaha..so we are non stop taking picture with each others..
and now im going to show u some^^

Outside the ballroom got a swimming pool^^ nice right?
some of the lucky draw^^

See?? here is just a part of people..
Soldier vs Cheff!! haha

He is sooooo cute man! lol...

and maybe u will ask:" Then how is your perform?????"
Anyway...we just get no.2 =(
too bad!!!!

1 条评论:

  1. wah!!!!!!!NO 2 is consider very good oledi...Good job ^^
